3 things that annoying women have understood with men
Your ex left you for a bitch and you don’t get it.
You were so cool and flexible and nice, why would he want to be with a bitch?
What annoying women have figured out
No matter how much you criticise or denigrate the bitch, she still understands several things:
- She puts her needs first. Who else will do it if not you?
- She makes her demands to her partner (who else will do it if not you).
- She moans when he doesn’t answer her requests (the form may be bad but the substance is good).
In clear, she gives her partner a clear framework and acts accordingly when things get out of that framework.
Of course, constant bitching is not the best way to give your partner a framework.
The healthy alternative to annoying women
The healthy alternative to annoying women is to fulfil your role as the builder of the couple by giving a precise framework to the man so he can commit and respect it. The main difference with the bitchy woman is that instead of bitching, you will focus on the positives and thank your partner if he does what he’s committed to.
And this subtle nuance changes everything!
For you and your partner!
Learning how to make requests without being a pain in the ass is an important aspect of my individual coaching, because you also need to know what to do when your partner doesn’t commit or respond to your requests.
To understand why you’re having trouble taking on the role of the builder of the couple
If you are having difficulties fulfilling this role, it’s often because you have a past wound related to the feminine role.
Perhaps you reject your first female role model, your mother, or you repeat her model in spite of yourself.
To help you think about this, ask yourself the following questions:
- What was my mother like as a couple?
- Were her needs heard?
- How close is my mother to my ideal woman?
It may also come from a bad experience in your past, where being a woman was a disadvantage compared to being a man, for example:
- As a teenager, if you found it painful to have your periods or see and feel body changes
- In your career, because of pay inequalities or macho remarks
The solution: reconnect with your feminine by healing your wounds in connection with the feminine.
The first step is to identify where your wounds are related to your feminine.
For you
Webinar How a wound from the past is created?
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Then learn how to be your couple’s architect.
Becoming your couple’s architect is an important aspect of my individual coaching.
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