To be happy in Love
is an inner work
The coaching I offer today consists of all the tools that have personally helped me heal myself and be happy in Love.
The first step is to identify the love patterns you are repeating and to correct them. And this involves deprogramming these patterns at the body level.
The second step is to learn the different tools which allow to be in a relationship without losing sight of yourself: communicate your needs and limits, manage conflict, stay aligned within a relationship…
In short, learn to love yourself and to accept to be loved.
I look forward to accompanying you in this inner change.
My difference?
The psycho-corporal approach to change love patterns
Why the body?
What determines who you are attracted to or your reaction mechanisms in love is defined very early on by your reptilian brain, in your childhood, especially in the way you received Love from your parents, long before your rational brain is fully developed (it finishes developing around the age of 7).
As soon as you find yourself in a situation of stress in Love (that is, for one reason or another you do not receive the Love you desire), the reptilian brain will search its database for the reaction in your past that allowed you to survive this lack of love and it will send neurotransmitters to the body to make you repeat the action (you block, you run away,or you fight) and the emotions that allowed you to «survive» at the time.
With time and repetition your body will also record this reaction pattern. This way you can logically understand why healing from your past must go through the body.
My Coaching
- To love yourself deeply as you are, with your strengths, your weaknesses, and your vulnerabilities in your current life situation.
- To become aware of your self worth and to reconcile yourself with your feminine side.
- To let Love into your life again.
- To have more emotional serenity, whatever the external circumstances may be.
- To stop reproducing the same love patterns over and over again.
- To finally meet the right person who wants to get involved with you to build the life you’ve been dreaming of for a long time.
- To have a fulfilled, balanced relationship based on respect and mutual commitment.
- To come out of a difficult phase: long-term celibacy, crisis in the couple, separation, divorce.
What they think about the psycho-corporal approach.

My difference?
The psycho-corporal approach
Every significant event in our lives is recorded in our body.
These events leave their mark on our organs and are regularly reactivated when we experience a situation similar to the initial event.
Over time our reactions increase: a slight fear at first can become a deep anguish, a few years later.

For you
Webinar How a wound from the past is created?
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to meeeting you!
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